Hello Lovelies!
Welcome to the start of a Full Moon week.
We begin by tuning into our internal high tides.
Let our whole being feel the fullness, like the Moon, as we honor our brilliance illuminated at this time, as well as honoring the unseen side, our shadow. Our darker side, that which will be barely out of sight come (only) Friday, still crescents our being before and after until we fully embody it at the next New Moon. It is the unseen, unheard and most often, unloved part- until we decided otherwise. So Wax and Wan with the light and darkness dears, for now is the time to move into love & forgiveness... especially for those whose hearts are heavy and for those where darkness is present even on a Full Moon Night.
What if the love for the shadow side, the unconscious parts of you, held your greatest treasures?
What if you faced those deepest fears to know the greatest beauty?
What if you forgave everyone who didn't think (or vote) or act like you?
What if you took your power back AND still loved your (unconscious, ignorant, fear-ridden) "neighbor?" ... Because we all have unconscious, ignorant tendencies, and fears.
You have the key to the treasure chest. Unlock and lock it up, as you please. And also, do remember, only you have the power within you to carry what you want to hold, embrace, love... and like the shadow side, you may have judgements, hate, and other people's beliefs. What do you want to carry? Is it light? Or heavy?
How can you lighten your load... a little each day.... without hurting anyone, including yourself?
Unlock and lock it up, as you please.
May you choose to discard what does not serve your highest vibrational being.
May you carry the innate intelligence that peace, joy and love are your birthright (maybe they are even the treasure within).
May you allow movement by facing fears with love, honesty and the platinum rule: do unto others as they wish to have done to them. (Remember to ask & listen or you'll be the a** in assuming).
Embrace what is yours to own. Let others do their own song and dance.
It is within the acceptance of our whole sphere of being, the embodied light and the forgotten shadow, that we can open into this bigger embrace. An embrace our own inner balance and the reckoning we each have in discovering our wholeness. Let us remember love and forgiveness... even if, one embrace at a time. You first. Love & forgive you first.
May the whole some day soon unite as one, humanity. And we excuse the mess along the way. We are only human, after all.
With Love & Forgiveness,
Note: The stars always have things to say. I had more to say than them this reading. If you'd like an Moonology Reading to embrace the sky dance, reach out to me: sparrow@wellnaturedbeing.com
Join any of Our Offerings by RSVP:
Upcoming Noteables:
Walk-In-The-Park: Movement Meditation will be this Saturday or Sunday, November 16 or 17th, depending on the weather. 3PM to 5PM. (Yes... we embody the light and dark together.) RSVP to follow any date changes.
You will be guided on a meditative, silent walk with breathing and awareness cues. The journey will be from NIC Beach to Tubbs and back. Sliding Scale Donation: $11-33
+ Plus +
Love Offering - Pop-Up
for a kick-start on your "treasure box" journey! AND Holiday Unwind or perhaps a gift!
You can do this solo or with a small group in a living room of your choice. Session lasts one hour and is $65 for one and ten dollars off for each additional participant. Set a date before the end of the new year!
Yes! You will leave with a new tool in your bag (or chest) to help you along the way.